About Me

My full name is Adam Raymond James Smith. This name is something that has predestined me to become a Social Studies teacher. With Adam Smith being one of the great economic philosophers, and the Raymond James company being a large banking firm, was there ever any doubt that I would end up doing something in the Social Sciences? All jokes aside, Social Studies has been, and hopefully, always will be one of my greatest passions. There is just something about how fun it is to track down research and apply it to the modern day. Yet, it is my strong belief that very few Social Studies teachers actually teach Social Studies. Teaching memorization is not teaching Social Studies.

For me, Social Studies is this weird, funny, scary, sad, and indifferent type of learning that is unique within the school setting. There is no subject that combines every aspect of life as Social Studies does.

One of the reasons that I have decided to become a Social Studies teacher is to share interesting stories of the past that help us today figure out complex social issues. By looking at how issues were resolved in the past we can learn old ways to resolve new issues. At the same time however, we can look at modern conflicts and see how they started and what can be done to fix them. Things like systemic racism within the United States can only be solved by looking at how this racism was formed (i.e. their crumbling education system).

My Teaching Philosophy 

This post will never stay the same. I will leave time stamps behind statements however I will occasionally revisit this post whenever I feel as though my philosophy shifts.


If I am going to be honest I only have a vague idea as to what my teaching philosophy is. I 100% have one that is certain, yet I feel as though if I write it down on paper than it would be too similar to my overall philosophy on life. Therefore I will keep my teaching philosophy intentionally vague, and I will outline how I view life.

I believe that the most important thing to do in life is to listen. This is something that I have worked hard to do for throughout my life because I never used to listen to anyone. As I grew up I became more relaxed which in turn made me learn when to speak. Of course, I am not grown up, but I would like to think I am getting there.

I like talking to people that have the confidence (or comfortableness) to not pretend to be someone they are not in front of me. Whenever I see someone lying to me about something simple, I wonder what is keeping them from being honest to me and themselves. I do this too so I guess I will be wondering about this for a while.
